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Call Anywhere UrgentCare For Your Care At Home

Call Anywhere UrgentCare For Your Care At Home

Chances are, anyone who remembers a doctor making a house call is retired. Well, that's no longer true in Colorado Springs. urgent care that accepts medicaid provides mobile urgent care to those who don't need to go to the emergency room but can't or prefer not to go to the doctor's office. This healthcare service is convenient and saves money.

Anywhere UrgentCare - Filling a Need

Anyone who has ever spent hours waiting in a busy emergency room will have figured out that most (BlueCross BlueShield says 65%) of the people were not suffering from an actual medical emergency. People with heart attacks or other true emergencies are seen first. Everyone else just waits.

ER care is very expensive. People use it because they don't have a family doctor or can't get an appointment with their doctor in a timely manner. When someone is really sick with the flu, an appointment in three weeks is useless.

Urgent care clinics are increasing in popularity for this reason. Care is available when it's needed, not when the doctor has a 10 minute hole in his schedule. However, this still requires ill people to drive to the urgent care clinic and wait for treatment. Others are unable to leave home to visit a doctor or must make difficult and expensive arrangements for transportation and assistance when medical care is needed. Elders with dementia, for example, may need treatment for other ailments but are often confused and irritable when out of their familiar environment.

How Anywhere UrgentCare Works

A nurse practitioner will arrive at your home. While not a doctor, a board-certified nurse practitioner has many of the same skills as a doctor, possessing the ability to diagnose ailments, prescribe medications and treat acute medical conditions. When you feel too ill to get out of bed or can't get to the doctor, the medical care you need will come to you. More than 90% of the essential health care services that people require can be delivered.

Some of the conditions that would be appropriately treated with house calls include:

The flu

Severe colds

Strep throat

Urinary tract infections

Sinus infections

Minor cuts or burns

Simple skin conditions

Yeast infections

Conjunctivitis (pink eye)


Infectious mononucleosis

Ear infections


Medication refills

Simple blood or urine tests

Save Money with Anywhere UrgentCare

Anywhere UrgentCare saves you money in several ways.

Prices are normally 10-40% lower than treatment for the same condition at a standard urgent care clinic since that type of facility has much higher costs for overhead.

Most insurance companies will reimburse for this treatment when presented with the IDC-10 receipt that patients receive. Contact your insurance company for coverage details.

Patients who pay cash or have health plans with large deductibles receive the treatment they need at an affordable cost.

Health Savings Cards are also accepted.

Call Anywhere UrgentCare when you need Colorado Springs urgent care. A nurse practitioner will come to you and provide the treatment you need, when you need it. Visit and schedule a house call now.